


Here you'll see anything really, from technology, thoughts of mine and book reviews.
I doubt anyone would actually want to read any of these but here they are :V

This is still under construction, I'm trying to figure out a way to organise them in cathegories.
Keep in mind that this is a static website, I have to type everything manually in html.

Why you shouldn't be forced to pay with credit cards

Hey there, it's been a dog's age since my last post :V

I'm writting this because of a bad experience I recently had with a 2nd hand book store, where I felt extorted into paying with my debit card instead of actual cash.

I apologise in advance if you feel that this post is mainly me ranting about this, but I really wanted to share this story.

It all started a few days ago when I went to a second hand store. I wanted to buy a book for my mom as a gift and I had no clue on what to give to her, so I wanted to pick one of the "surprise" books, which is basically, you pay 5 bucks and you get a random book. It's gambling on books, I know, but that's the fun part...

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July update

Oh boy, here we go again...

Welp, as promised in my previous post, here's the post where I would write about all the exciting ideas I have for this blog.
I've tried some of them and, while they failed, I think others will be great for this blog!...

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My take on microsoft's global server downfall

Not gonna lie, this was really surprising to hear. I was chilling when a relative called me telling that Microsoft is down in all the country and that this affected airports (atleast here in spain)...

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I need some sleep.

To be honest, I don't even know where to start with this.
As y'all may know sleep is essential to be a functionally capable human being, without it, we wouldn't have the rest we need to regenerate our sanity.

"But wait, why are you suddenly talking about sleep if this is your personal blog no one even reads?" you may ask. The answer is simple, I fucked up my sleep schedule, sleeping on the day and being awake during night time...

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2023... Yeah, about that...

I'm gonna be honest, I have no idea on how to start this blog post, the proof being that I took a whole damm week to even start writing this. Hell, I'm finishing this on a February 15th.

I feel like I have this blog a little abandoned, and kinda lost some motivation to keep improving it. Months ago, I promised I would do a couple of things like redrawing the banner, changing the comment system etc...

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